Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Life is full of surprises!

It really is crazy how quickly things can change. I'm not complaining at all by saying that...I just honestly and so surprised at how things have been lately in my life. Some things are great, and couldn't be better...others are just disapointing, sad, and sometimes seem to be hopeless.

I know I'm taken care of. I know God is with me all the way. Times get hard, times get easy. It's all about how you handle it and how you learn from it along the way. I'm not afraid of change. I actually like change. It just becomes a little confusing sometimes.

Bad news phone calls from home aren't fun at all. I'm just trying to see the beauty in it all. I know God is working. I know he will take care of every situation the way he has planned. It's just the wait that's hard. I know if I trust in him and remain faithful....I'll be ok. We all will be ok. Time for a mood change :)

Really, all in all, outside of the above paragraphs...everything has been great. School is tough, but I'm working hard and it's paying off! Club week is coming up...getting to meet new girls has been so fun! For the majority, family and friends are doing great as well. I've got a lot to be thankful for! This new blog thing is kind of cool! There's another positive thing to add to my list! haha! Anyway, I'm out :)

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